Do You Know?

Do You Know?

-That Failure can never be what you think?

-That failure can either make or destroy you?

-That many who have failed and continued trying not minding their failures are the men we call "Great today"?

-That without a dream you are like a well without water?

-That each day that comes by either draws you closer to or takes you away from your destiny?

-That your life can speak to this generation and even the unborn generations even after death?

-That it is you ability to dream big and then start small that guarantees your growing fast to the top?

-That the best way to live your life today is to look for problems to solve and not looking for solutions already made for problems?

-That when you live your life trying to please other humans that you make yourself a disgrace to the inner man within you?

-That each time you procrastinate about doing any work, that you end up being a huge burden to yourself?

-That living a life governed by vision and mission is the best way you could reach to the top?

-That most times our dreams and goal become a source of limitation to our achieving destiny?

-That you can never get to the top where the sky will be your stepping stone when you stay in that place called SAFE?

-That the word "impossible" is just a word that will keep you forever out of the top?

-That Change is not a process but rather it is a thing of a single instant moment which takes you through a lifetime?

-That your decisions and choices of today are a foundation to your tomorrow?

-That life most times offers opportunities that will take us through the hard way of getting to the top, yet many ignore it and suffer the consequences all through life?

-That your friends and acquaintances can either draw you close or away from destiny?

-That it is our complaints about life most times that gives birth to certain circumstances and conditions we find ourselves in life?

-That in your daily course of living life you can be a real source of inspiration and encouragement to the people around you without even saying a single word?

-That pride is the greatest enemy to human destiny?

-That fear is just a thing of the mind which when overcome leads to doing exploits?

- That you empty your mind, let down yourself and abuse your dreams, visions, goals, visions, missions and the purpose of your life and being the moment you allow yourself to start been jealous of people?

- That perfection is an illusion and those who chase after it are so blinded that they end up meeting pains instead of gains?

Think on these things

Monday, June 3, 2013

You are different from others!

The world we live in today is that of "competitions and competitors" so that most people have been so blinded by these that they have through one form of competition or the other lost their identity. I mean the identity that gives them "UNIQUENESS" to be called human. Thus, this has over time catapulted many into that realm of life where they see no difference between themselves and the other fellow out there. These set of persons are continually on the increase; as every now and then you get to hear someone say "I wish I was like him/her" or "he is far way better than I am and I desire to be like him/her". These group of persons belong to the school of thought made up of individuals who I call the "generations of lost identity". That generation whose sole aim has become "I want to be him or her" rather than "I just want to be me"

The big question is, have you lost your identity or are you making use of your identity?
If your answer to this question is not that affirmative then you need to really unwind and get ready for an eye opener into the world of the differences and uniqueness that exist in you and every other fellow out there. There are uniqueness in you as compared to others. This uniqueness is what has brought you this far in life because others who have over time gone through situations that you did go through did not in any way survive or make it through such situations, yet your uniqueness did make it possible for you. This uniqueness which is all that makes you cannot and should not be compared to/with others. The chances are you lose your uniqueness when you live your life comparing yourself with others. Do not get me wrong, you can learn from others by not playing "I am the victim game".

The differences between you and others will only come to reality when your mindset is right. Thus assuring you that against all odds you are unique and different; not due to skin color, country of origin, societal class, education or family background etc  but the difference which keeps you pushing forward toward making impacts in human life. The difference which propels you into taking that risk to greatness that the other fellow will call foolishness. The difference that where others are seeing "Impossible" all you are seeing is "I'm Possible". The difference where everyone is seeing the end and giving up, you are seeing the beginning and taking bold steps. The difference where you see failure as a lesson against others who see it as the give up message.  The difference that comes to play with the understanding that there won't be any story if the history is not a sorry one. These uniqueness and differences are profound in your convictions and perspective of life. They are so clear and bold in all of your life decisions. They define your actions, words and lifestyle. This is why no two persons on earth can have the same lifestyle.

The realization that there are differences between you and others is that point where you notice others for what they have become and become happy for them. The realization of this will in so many ways help you stop living under someones else pursuit. It will help you realize that you have as much opportunity to be just whatever you want to be when you see yourself unique, different and well packaged for greatness. Your acceptance of the fact that you are different not just as a human but in very ways imaginable not excluding mindset opens you into seeing these and will help propel you into living life in such ways that everyone will at one point in time use you as a point of reference for what they want.  So, understand that you been different from the others is so priceless and cannot be traded in any ways whatsoever. Beacuse trading it in exchange of been someones else leaves you more like a slave than a master.

So, realise that you are too different from others to die chasing other peoples dreams and lifestyle. The moment you realize how unique you are; that will be the moment your purpose becomes shiny. 

Finally, "the story of your life won't be awesome and inspiring until it is told from the point of how different you are from the rest".

Written by
Ahiamadu Jackson Samuel

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