More so, many have dreams and have because of these dreams stayed in that place called “comfort zone” as a result of the faith with which they tend to worship and revere all of their dreams as relates to their manifesting into reality or rather to their becoming tangible. The comfort zone is that place where we feel so safe as a result of our dreams that we tend to totally forget that our dreams can possibly be a limitation to our achieving whatever we believe on achieving in life. This is believed to lead to becoming a total failure which comes to place from the said inability to differentiate our dreams and reality and also relating our dreams with reality in order to see how tangible our dreams can become over time.
Therefore, what are dreams and reality? Dreams are standard set in the mind and reality is standard played by life for us to believe or disbelieve our dreams. Dreams and reality are totally one big puzzle that whenever any man misses the very truth about these two, they find themselves asking questions which only takes but eternity for their answers to come. The very truth that I have discovered about these two is that, there is just a thin line difference between them which are, dreams are totally pictures brought to being in our mind because of our passion and ambition which we deem as perfect in order to live the best life while reality is life’s picture brought into play by circumstances, situations and of course experiences which come our way in our living of life.
So, what is the thin difference between dreams and reality? The thin difference between these two is that dreams are the human mind pictures and reality is the human life picture. You may ask, how does this two correlate? The answer is quite simple but complicated. These two are so correlated because the other helps to shape the later and this has great effect on the very human pasts, presents and future. Dreams and reality correlate because, without dreams there can never be reality and without reality there can never be dreams. Our dreams and the amount of faith we have in our dreams shape our realities because it is that which we believe we can conceive, receive and achieve. Believing in our dreams plays key roles but going outside the comfort zone and the world of illusion which dreams takes you into brings about perfection of reality through dreams.
Having said the above, most humans do always find themselves in a place called “insincerity of dreams” and once this happens; humans tend to always become total failure because their dreams from the onset were not tangible and they were not borne out of a sincere mindset. Insincerity of our dreams is that place where everything we dream is total illusion. Illusion in the sense that it leaves us of no choice of good because what we called dreams was a hush and total fallacy and as such reality has no place for them.
Therefore, it becomes penitent for me to tell you that dreams without plans cannot become reality and will only end up as fallacy and a sham which will only bring you shame. Hence, I advice that you need to plan on every of your dreams because planning is that hand which puts life into your dreams and positive actions makes your dreams real and tangible.
Finally, know that life without a dream is no life, dream without a plan is worthless, plan without positive action amounts to been dead while you presume yourself to be alive and it is best in life to dream to reality.
Written by Ahiamadu Jackson Samuel