Life is a journey as such "experiences" either good or bad have become inevitable, inevitable in the sense that we can't fully live life without going through or coming head on with them. Hence, the way anyone lives life determines the kind of experiences such a one will get while on this journey.
Experiences to me is what makes life fun. Most times they come in the form of mistakes which you and I wouldn't really hesitate to call these "mistakes experiences" . These are such that we can either learn or not learn from them, no wonder James Joyce(Irish novelist, 1882-1941) said that “A man's errors are his portals of discovery.” This implies that it is actually a good thing to learn from or mistakes which we often times tag as "experiences".
More so the older we grow, the more experiences we encounter and these experiences are so fascinating that it has become what inspires majority of lives around the world to keep pushing on in the journey of life notwithstanding what comes their ways because each and every time they get in contact with life's experiences they actually get to learn and discover things which ordinarily they would not all through their lifetime discover hence these has lead to a craving among men/women in trying to figure out what exactly triggers certain experiences that gives us hope of a better and best state of life. As such, questions life "what are the essence of experiences?".
In order to answer this question, I would first say that life without any form of experience is "total boredom defined and seen in man". This question to me is rather too strange than anything called strange because the answer is so simple yet so many people have failed to see, feel and acknowledge this. So what then is the answer? The answer is that, the essence of experiences is to make us better and best people and at the same time destroy us if we fail to discover that little secret that could change our lives for the best.
Furthermore in trying to push my point down to you medulla oblongata, I will say that each time we experience one or two things that there is certainly a message in that experience which will only happen to us once all through our lifetime and that each time we miss to get this message; we actually get ourselves messed up in that we will never for any reason in life get to understand why we actually encountered such an experience is life's journey. So what is the remedy to this?
Hmmmm.....the remedy to this is actually a too easy thing in the human mind but actually hard to do in the real sense. The only remedy is to possibly have an "open mind backed up with carefulness which is born out of the hunger for improvement(moving up in life's staircase)". This way, you get to learn from each and every experience that you will encounter in life's journey.
Also, there are certain times we feel so bad and pained about going through a particular experience or a set of experiences that we totally wished we could in ways immeasurable erase them out of our lives but the truth remains that without those experiences our lives will never be complete as such erasing them will trigger certain things against us in the journey of life that "had I known" will end up been the songs we could sing all through our days of life. So, be careful what you wish for and do with the experiences that life brings our ways.
Conclusively, experiences are the ingredients of life that shows we are living life, hence they are totally important to our moving to the next phase and this happens only when we have actually learned all that life through its experiences wants us to learn so as to help trigger our moving into the next phase of our life.
Therefore, be careful with what you do with each and every of life experiences as they can either mere or make you.
Know this,
Our mistakes are in some ways the totality of our failure to learn from certain experiences we have encountered in life, as such life brings them back to us in those forms so that we can learn from them as we journey through life and its hurdles.
Most times through the help of experience, we become victors rather than been victims in certain situations we find ourselves.
Think on the following
“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.” John Heywood(English Playwright and Poet, 1497-1580)
“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” C.S. Lewis(British Scholar and Novelist. 1898-1963)
“It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise” Sara Teasdale
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” Luis Miguel
“One of the most important lessons that experience teaches is that, on the whole, success depends more upon character than upon either intellect or fortune” William Edward Hartpole Lecky(Irish Historian and Essayist. 1838-1903)
Written By
Jackson Samuel