Do You Know?

Do You Know?

-That Failure can never be what you think?

-That failure can either make or destroy you?

-That many who have failed and continued trying not minding their failures are the men we call "Great today"?

-That without a dream you are like a well without water?

-That each day that comes by either draws you closer to or takes you away from your destiny?

-That your life can speak to this generation and even the unborn generations even after death?

-That it is you ability to dream big and then start small that guarantees your growing fast to the top?

-That the best way to live your life today is to look for problems to solve and not looking for solutions already made for problems?

-That when you live your life trying to please other humans that you make yourself a disgrace to the inner man within you?

-That each time you procrastinate about doing any work, that you end up being a huge burden to yourself?

-That living a life governed by vision and mission is the best way you could reach to the top?

-That most times our dreams and goal become a source of limitation to our achieving destiny?

-That you can never get to the top where the sky will be your stepping stone when you stay in that place called SAFE?

-That the word "impossible" is just a word that will keep you forever out of the top?

-That Change is not a process but rather it is a thing of a single instant moment which takes you through a lifetime?

-That your decisions and choices of today are a foundation to your tomorrow?

-That life most times offers opportunities that will take us through the hard way of getting to the top, yet many ignore it and suffer the consequences all through life?

-That your friends and acquaintances can either draw you close or away from destiny?

-That it is our complaints about life most times that gives birth to certain circumstances and conditions we find ourselves in life?

-That in your daily course of living life you can be a real source of inspiration and encouragement to the people around you without even saying a single word?

-That pride is the greatest enemy to human destiny?

-That fear is just a thing of the mind which when overcome leads to doing exploits?

- That you empty your mind, let down yourself and abuse your dreams, visions, goals, visions, missions and the purpose of your life and being the moment you allow yourself to start been jealous of people?

- That perfection is an illusion and those who chase after it are so blinded that they end up meeting pains instead of gains?

Think on these things

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The mind according to a school of thought refers to that aspect of the human intellect and consciousness that is manifested as combinations of thoughts, perception, memory, emotions, will and imagination which includes all of the brain conscious and unconcious cognitive processes. A second school of thought refers to the "Mind" as the thought processes of reason while a third group see the mind subjectively, this group believes that the mind manifests itself as a stream of consciousness.

All the above views are totally right, but in my opinion; I personally think that the mind is that aspect of human consciousness, subconsciouness and unconsciousness that tends to speak and speak out each time and in every opportunity that present itself to a human in his/her total being as a creature with so many distinct features that propels it to a greater view of who he is presently and want to be in the future. The human mind is the greatest asset that human presently have because it tells and teaches you both good and bad, it helps you to make decisions that either makes or mere you, it tells you the differences between what is moral and not moral, it teaches and tells you via conviction that in whatsoever you do that ethics must be allowed to play its crucial role, yet so many people tend to neglect the mind, thereby putting it in a rather state of comma and as such making themselves a bunch of laughing stock not only to their peers but to the whole world as such they put themselves in a state on unrealizable slavery. This is so true today amongs the human race.

The title of this note "your mind, a bank to unending inventions" is totally a true reflection of what the human mind is and should be, the human mind is a bank where both good and bad exists and these good and bad are in constant battle as towards determining what you and I do daily. This is so true because in our daily living of this life we have come and will yet come across so many humans you and I would rather describe as "been confused" but their state which you and I would describe as "been confused" is a total product of the constant battle between the good and bad that exists in the human mind...our mind a great asset.
Many men today in life have moved from their low self esteeem to a very much indescribable state of self esteem because of what their mind made them believe and many humans too are in a state of an undescribeable low self esteem because of what they as humans have conceived in their minds, I belong to that first school of thought described above in the first paragraph because I have come to find out in my living and learning life daily that whatsoever a man is today and will be in the nearest and farthest future depends solely on what he cultivates in his/her mind.....this is life for anyone present and living on this planet called earth.

The human mind is a powere house, we draw strength from our minds, this means that the weakness and strength of a man is totally generated from and dependent on the mind...if your mind tells you that you are weak as a human and you admit it suddenly you will discover yourself been totally weak and if your mind tells you that you are so strong and even stronger that a horse and any other human, sincerely if you agree with your mind; you will suddenly find yourself in that place where others will describe and describes as "extra-ordinary". Your mind will get you to the top depending on how you treat the ideas, thoughts, emotion etc that exceeds and roars out of your mind...My mind is fixed on one thing and that is been great than the greatest man that have been and did exist on our planet earth.
So many people call themselves great because of the true fact that their minds has and have constantly told them they are great and will be great..Most people you see and meet daily on your way of running this precious and tragic race of life will all tell you one thing..."we can't get out of this situation". Assess them in and out and you will for sure and certain find out that why they have remained the way they are is because they have totally settled for what they are presently and what they will be in the future from the moment they found themselves where they are and have been. Note that it is only a few out of this whole lot of humans that belong to this group that will tell you this ''my experiences today about my state of being is an assurance for me that I will get to the top where people call "'extra-ordinary"'...The difference between the former and the later is that the later beleives in his mind that where he is today is where life wants to teach him lessons before he will get to the top. Secondly the later believes that he will be in the place called extraordinary because his mind tells him so and he has come to believe and trust in his mind and the former in no way does not do or even act this, talkless of making a total good use of the power that the human mind carries. Your mind, a bank to undending inventions.

Your mind is a bank of unending invention because it directs and plays crucial roles in your life and existence as a being. it has functions and carries out this functions in you, within you and around you, knowingly or unknowingly for you....your mind is a bank of unending invention because in your consciousness and unconsciousness it is totally functional.

I really want you to know that many of the things that be today which makes life so comfortable for you and I were as a result of things concieved in the inventors mind. A serious question comes to play here and that is "If you and I as humans really concieves and believes the positives that comes to our heart daily?" There are also loads and loads of things that the human mind does, it directs you in what soever good you intend, want and will want to do....your mind a bank of unending inventions. Your mind is a huge factor that determines your level of understanding of life and what life tends to offer to you and this is the reason why if there are two person undergoin the seem situation in the same time and at the same place will never see such situation in that place and at same time in the same....This means that our mind teaches and tells us the perspective from which we see every situation that come our way in life...My advice about how we treat is perspective is that no matter what the perspective of any situation we tend to find ourselves as human..we should try to utilize that positive part in the human mind call "POSITIVE CONFESSION".
Positive confession is so important because where others will see and are constantly seeing failure, bad mis happenings and everything whatsoever called NEGATIVES, it generally make you see and think one thing POSITIVES, this connects to your conscious, subconscious and even you unconsciousness to create a way and thereby pulling you out of that mess of a situation as such you become a ""CELEBRITY" to those that have failed to make use of that part of their mind called "POSITIVE CONFESSION".

Conclusively, your mind is a bank of unending invention because the greatness of any man/woman starts from the mind....your mind in an inner being that craves for your success only when you decide to tap and is tapping continuously from thr positive powers that be and lives forever in your mind.
Grab the chance today to really reflect on the fact that, WHAT WOULD WE AS HUMANS BE WITHOUT THE MIND?. this is a self searching question that should really make you think deep and more deeper about if you have let the positive power that do exist and live in you take their rightful place as you live your life daily in your expense and that of others.