The dangers of negligence are numerous but the most heart breaking amongst all these is that "it kills a man/woman rendering such a man useless over time". Negligence kills a man or woman by firstly taking away those little things which brings him/her alive and this leads further into a place called "isolation" which over time makes a man/women to care less about himself/herself hence chosing the path of self destruction rather than looking for ways to make right his/her wrongs.
More so, negligence will leave you a prisoner to yourself in that you will always say I will do this and I will that next time but the truth remains that you will never do any of those and at last you become unhappy with yourself and with the way you handle things which if not checked and corrected will bring you to that place where you will totally become unhappy with yourself and feeling comfortable about the whole situation which in return will take you into been in prision with your own self. This is a gradual thing because it happens "One step at a time"
Furthermore, negligence affects your total way of thinking becuase you probably will come to that place where you will say afterall "it is my way of life" and this will totally prevent you from thinking right and over time all you will think will rather be assumptions that thinking real and when you live your life totally on assumptions rather than facing reality, then you life has become not but a mere flakes which if much care is not taken will end up in something called "had I known"
Finally, negligence takes away you from you. This implies that it makes you someone else because it takes away the very original version of you and make you a photocopy that doesn't even match up in any way to the original you and been this photocopy of yourself robs you of your destiny and hence you live your entire life chasing lies.
Negligence the very lie that destroys even the greatest of men...flee from it and achieve that which is enshrined in your destiny because you might end up living your life upside down if you keep fit in negligence.
Written by
Ahiamadu Jackson Samuel
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