Death is something everyone must succumb to, yet few persons succumb to it earlier then others.
Carefully go through this, and try not to be disturbed about this simple truth rather let it be an answer to that your long unanswered question.
What is Death?
Death to me...
Is living a life without VISION and PURPOSE.
Is seeing life as though everything is IMPOSSIBLE.
Is taking actions with reasoning WHY.
Is making a DECISION without thinking of the AFTER EFFECTS.
How Doe Death come?
Death comes the moment we forget about/neglect the future.
How can we escape death?
Death could be escaped by the desire and practice to live life on the foundation of VISION and purpose.
Is that all about Death?
No, death is also a thing of the mind.
How do I mean by this?
Death becomes a thing of the mind the moment you stop thinking before taking decisions. Thinking in time or over time.
How does Death affect us in our decisions?
Death helps in destroying any man, as such; a destroyed man cannot think because he/she is actually dead in the mind and since the mind is the power house of all our thinking and thoughts; hence any decisions made in such state will be a sham and a total exposure of the extent of our life and living.
How do we escape Death?
This death is totally not the one we die and live the earth for another place of existence but it still can be coroneted with the physical death. This death can only be escaped when we prioritize the very most important things in our lives and undergoing a process of self recovery driven by VISION AND PURPOSE which though might take time but in the long run pays off for good.
Death is hovering around youths these days to steal their intellect, dreams and visions. Try not to allow yourself to be entangled by whatsoever form of death because Life in death is utmost punishment.
Death, living a life shattered because no vision is clear about life and the purpose of life is blur in the mirror.
Written By
Jackson Samuel
Carefully go through this, and try not to be disturbed about this simple truth rather let it be an answer to that your long unanswered question.
What is Death?
Death to me...
Is living a life without VISION and PURPOSE.
Is seeing life as though everything is IMPOSSIBLE.
Is taking actions with reasoning WHY.
Is making a DECISION without thinking of the AFTER EFFECTS.
How Doe Death come?
Death comes the moment we forget about/neglect the future.
How can we escape death?
Death could be escaped by the desire and practice to live life on the foundation of VISION and purpose.
Is that all about Death?
No, death is also a thing of the mind.
How do I mean by this?
Death becomes a thing of the mind the moment you stop thinking before taking decisions. Thinking in time or over time.
How does Death affect us in our decisions?
Death helps in destroying any man, as such; a destroyed man cannot think because he/she is actually dead in the mind and since the mind is the power house of all our thinking and thoughts; hence any decisions made in such state will be a sham and a total exposure of the extent of our life and living.
How do we escape Death?
This death is totally not the one we die and live the earth for another place of existence but it still can be coroneted with the physical death. This death can only be escaped when we prioritize the very most important things in our lives and undergoing a process of self recovery driven by VISION AND PURPOSE which though might take time but in the long run pays off for good.
Death is hovering around youths these days to steal their intellect, dreams and visions. Try not to allow yourself to be entangled by whatsoever form of death because Life in death is utmost punishment.
Death, living a life shattered because no vision is clear about life and the purpose of life is blur in the mirror.
Written By
Jackson Samuel