Do You Know?

Do You Know?

-That Failure can never be what you think?

-That failure can either make or destroy you?

-That many who have failed and continued trying not minding their failures are the men we call "Great today"?

-That without a dream you are like a well without water?

-That each day that comes by either draws you closer to or takes you away from your destiny?

-That your life can speak to this generation and even the unborn generations even after death?

-That it is you ability to dream big and then start small that guarantees your growing fast to the top?

-That the best way to live your life today is to look for problems to solve and not looking for solutions already made for problems?

-That when you live your life trying to please other humans that you make yourself a disgrace to the inner man within you?

-That each time you procrastinate about doing any work, that you end up being a huge burden to yourself?

-That living a life governed by vision and mission is the best way you could reach to the top?

-That most times our dreams and goal become a source of limitation to our achieving destiny?

-That you can never get to the top where the sky will be your stepping stone when you stay in that place called SAFE?

-That the word "impossible" is just a word that will keep you forever out of the top?

-That Change is not a process but rather it is a thing of a single instant moment which takes you through a lifetime?

-That your decisions and choices of today are a foundation to your tomorrow?

-That life most times offers opportunities that will take us through the hard way of getting to the top, yet many ignore it and suffer the consequences all through life?

-That your friends and acquaintances can either draw you close or away from destiny?

-That it is our complaints about life most times that gives birth to certain circumstances and conditions we find ourselves in life?

-That in your daily course of living life you can be a real source of inspiration and encouragement to the people around you without even saying a single word?

-That pride is the greatest enemy to human destiny?

-That fear is just a thing of the mind which when overcome leads to doing exploits?

- That you empty your mind, let down yourself and abuse your dreams, visions, goals, visions, missions and the purpose of your life and being the moment you allow yourself to start been jealous of people?

- That perfection is an illusion and those who chase after it are so blinded that they end up meeting pains instead of gains?

Think on these things

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Mistake.

It is said that "Life is one big drama",  this I argued not to be true until the very day that I came to realize in the affirmative that the above statement is as true as the air I breath to keep life going but this realization came in a very hard way that all through my life I might tend not to forget as it has rather left me like an injured man who's craving to be healed. Hence, I have come to tag the whole lot of time when I lived life without been in agreement to the above statement as "The Mistake" Surprised? Please don't be because life itself is truly one big screen on which dramas of so many kind/types are shown and seen as the days come-by. 

The mistake is founded on my experiences about how beings, who in the form of humans around us and who most times we  respect not withstanding whatsoever begin to mess up with us as if they were gods! Hence, the mistake becomes inevitable because we might at all possible cost try to keep our cool while the wrong that's been done grows more than Methuselah of old(wonders shall never end!).

The Mistake are several things in life we take for granted in our course of living life but they harm/wound us more than anything else we could ever imagine because  the surgrical blade which is believed to be the sharpest object or perhaps diamond will never hurt us as much as this when used to make any cut on our body. So what then are "The Mistake?"

One of  the major mistake is trying to please men by doing the wrong things for them when we are totally not comfortable at doing so. Why do this? Is it because we want to play cool or be considered as been too good and perhaps the best amongst our peers? I assure you one thing and that is; when you do this, you leave yourself a burden to yourself which in turns bring you to a place where it is rather best to call you a slave! Someone out there might doubt this but it is the truth which must be told no matter how hurtful it is.

Also, another mistake seen amongst humans is actually allowing themselves to be defined by others and this is one of the things today which destroys men/women all over the world. Please, never allow others no matter the situation you find yourself to define who you are. I'm saying that never ever accept that which people say you are until you have searched yourself personally to see if the way they have defined you is really you. More so, if the way they have defined you is that which does not suit you in any form/way, I advice you throw such definition immediately to the trash bin because what we hear, we think of and what we think of becomes thoughts and our thoughts most times becomes our believe and once our thoughts in this scenario becomes our believe there is a huge tendency that we might fall into a state of low self esteem because we have allowed other peoples definition about us to grow, germinate and bear fruits within our minds.

Furthermore, the human mind is more or less like a wondering spirit and most times our minds wonder far away to outside our beings and in times like this;  it has been discovered that our minds gets corrupted and once this happens, all our thoughts are about everything called corruption which in all draws a lot of our good strength and as such we become so lame in handling ourselves. This is actually a mistake because as humans we should have control over our minds and the moment we fail in doing this, that moment our mind immediately takes control over us; hence making us slaves because we act out whatsoever our mind tells us to do. Therefore be careful about your mind and try as much as possible to have control over it at all times.

More so, another mistake humans make is dreaming without back up the dreams with positive action. This is so real in our world today, because many who have failed are failures not because they never had any dream(s) but because they failed to back up their dreams with positive action. Have you ever seen packed car moving on its own without any force been applied to it? No and this will never happen because for motion of any type to occur or take place, there must be a force which must be bigger than the weight of such a car. So it is with our dreams, our dreams will never be fulfilled until we apply positive actions which are bigger than our comfort zones. it is when we do this that we get assured of success.

Finally, time and space will not permit me to write as much as I would have loved to but I must say that "The Mistake" are those little things we take for granted which when considered relevant can turn our stories around for good. So, why continue to make this mistake, when you have the power over them all? Be Positive, Be success oriented and you certainly will scale through where the sky will be your stepping stone even if you had been a victim of "the mistake".

Note This:
Life lessons are best learnt by experiences and it is left for you to decide on how far these experiences can make you the best!