Do You Know?

Do You Know?

-That Failure can never be what you think?

-That failure can either make or destroy you?

-That many who have failed and continued trying not minding their failures are the men we call "Great today"?

-That without a dream you are like a well without water?

-That each day that comes by either draws you closer to or takes you away from your destiny?

-That your life can speak to this generation and even the unborn generations even after death?

-That it is you ability to dream big and then start small that guarantees your growing fast to the top?

-That the best way to live your life today is to look for problems to solve and not looking for solutions already made for problems?

-That when you live your life trying to please other humans that you make yourself a disgrace to the inner man within you?

-That each time you procrastinate about doing any work, that you end up being a huge burden to yourself?

-That living a life governed by vision and mission is the best way you could reach to the top?

-That most times our dreams and goal become a source of limitation to our achieving destiny?

-That you can never get to the top where the sky will be your stepping stone when you stay in that place called SAFE?

-That the word "impossible" is just a word that will keep you forever out of the top?

-That Change is not a process but rather it is a thing of a single instant moment which takes you through a lifetime?

-That your decisions and choices of today are a foundation to your tomorrow?

-That life most times offers opportunities that will take us through the hard way of getting to the top, yet many ignore it and suffer the consequences all through life?

-That your friends and acquaintances can either draw you close or away from destiny?

-That it is our complaints about life most times that gives birth to certain circumstances and conditions we find ourselves in life?

-That in your daily course of living life you can be a real source of inspiration and encouragement to the people around you without even saying a single word?

-That pride is the greatest enemy to human destiny?

-That fear is just a thing of the mind which when overcome leads to doing exploits?

- That you empty your mind, let down yourself and abuse your dreams, visions, goals, visions, missions and the purpose of your life and being the moment you allow yourself to start been jealous of people?

- That perfection is an illusion and those who chase after it are so blinded that they end up meeting pains instead of gains?

Think on these things

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Beauty called life

The Beauty called life?
Yes, of course!

Life is a beauty on its own, a few out of the billions and billions who live it have come to realize that life itself in all ramifications of whatsoever is a beauty. It is always said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder; yet when it comes to life most of the beholders have at all possible cost failed in seeing/ to see such beauty that lies within and in life. As such they live life as a mirage governed by mere events which either defined their past moments and are ready to allow such events govern their present moment. Oh! what a pity that these are living life but have failed to see the "Beauty called life".

Today, many out there feel that money, wealth, fame etc name them all are the true beauty called life but I'm bold enough to let this category of people know that the beauty of life is not even any  of those and does not even include greatness which they might want to use in consoling themselves that they have discovered the beauty called life.

The Beauty called life is that place where the fellow living life appreciates and value life notwithstanding whatsoever that comes around in the course of living life. This beauty is such that it has made this few really strong that the events of the past have become lessons to today and tomorrow, a lesson in the sense that they will never allow the things that went wrong yesterday and those that will go wrong today and tomorrow in their life to serve as hindrances/barriers from getting unto the next phase since life is in phases.

More so, believe me that even amongst this few who have seen the beauty of life; it is only a handful of them that actually make use of this beauty called life in their cause of living life. They make use of it in the sense that, they vividly at all times have in mind that life is a beauty and as such there is the need to  treat it with all carefulness backed up with love, adoration and probably utmost cherishing inscribed in high class of petting. As such this few enjoy the the price that the beauty called life carries/brings.

Furthermore, so many persons all over the world have done everything possible to discover this beauty called life yet to no avail they have continually failed even after making several attempts. So the sole question on how best to discover this beauty called life arises. So how best can we as humans with the nature of doubt discover the "beauty called life?" I think the answer to this question is quite simple and this is "Learn how to appreciate life at all times" this is so because the more you appreciate a thing(in this case-Life), the more you see the beauty in it. So in a nutshell what I'm saying is that learn how to appreciate life at all times and then and only then will anyone see the beauty called life.

Interestingly, you will be surprised to know that even if you appreciate life, you might not discover this beauty called life. Why? you may ask! This is because you have failed to appreciate life with all you body, heart, and soul. How do I know this? Just as we humans wouldn't want to help someone who after rendering a life long help but  failed to appreciate so also is life. The beauty of life will and only will be discovered by anyone, if and only if such a one appreciate life in total sincerity of being. Believe me, so many people lack sincerity and that is the reason why they can't no matter how hard they try discover the beauty of life talk of to enjoy it.

Life, they say is  sweet but I say it becomes more sweeter and sweetest of the best sweetest when one who has and live life has discovered the beauty called life because this beauty is that of an immeasurable value, is that which at all cost can never and will never be bought today, tomorrow or even now. This beauty called life at its discovery will take you places.

Hence, it is painful to state that most of these persons who have discovered and are really using this beauty called life has let pride to take over them and as such they become automatically prone to be destroyed since pride is the greatest enemy to the human destiny. This pride comes in in so many ways into their lives and these includes, through our thoughts, mindset, action, seeings, talking, etc.

Conclusively, it is comparatively relevant that each and everyone of us humans should at least discover this beauty called life because in doing this, life becomes a lot more easier and also simpler than the usual complex lives that we as humans do live.
There is beauty in life, Please discover it and you will live an exceptional, excellent and history breaking life.

Written by Jackson Samuel

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Fears!

My fear in life is not anything but me.

This me is everything that concerns me and the way that I do things at any point in time.

This me is that which is bound by whatsoever good or evil that man can think of yet has the power of choice to do or not do them.

This me is my inner man and mind which at all times are involved in constant thinking to make things better or worst for this me.

This me, I say is the life I live and the way I go about life.

My fear is me, yes me!

This me is that man who wakes  up in the morning yarning for a better day but gets disappointed at the slightest events which negates this me and  keeps this me wondering if life is all about things not too pleasing.

This me is that who you see and call happy but yet within this me lies a whole lot of things which do not compliment the living of a good/best life for this me.

This me is that which at all times yarns for the best but fails to realize that the best will come only but at the right time.

This me is that who takes action without taking into consideration the wellbeing of other me but takes actions as far as it please just this me.

This me is my fear, yes this me!

This me is that man or call it boy that walks up the street filled with stress, but seems as normal as any other me and waiting just for another me to say cheer up life has not come to an end.

This me is that who believes that failure is not failure until when we accept  we have failed by calling it quit but yet fails to live by his believe

This me is that man who you presume that you know but within this me lies another me who all through your life time you had definitely not know.

This me is that who would possibly trample on the happiness of another me without even saying a word to quieten this annoyed me.

This me, is my sole fear..Yes me!

This me is that who easily gives up but just presses on because there lies a price somewhere that I intend to get out of my own self deceit.

This me is that who tends to neglect another me by actions which speaks louder than words.

This me is that which is bound to total betrayal when even there's no treat of  life which life will present to me without no option to escape whatsoever that will stand as danger to me.

This me is a metaphor that only me can say exactly what me is all about. yet my self pride will not allow me say it all for once in the form of truth.

Yes! I scream Yes!! this me is the worlds problem.

This me is the problem the whole world has and until this world realizes that this me is a problem, the world will keep on moving in and out of cycles which ordinary me can avoid in order to make this world a better place for me.

Yes, this me is my fear and that fear still lies within this me anytime and anywhere.

Me, Me, Me...the problem of the world. Change me and the world will definitely change.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Actions, they could abuse us if they had mouths!

Today has been a not too good day because it all started with the news of a loss which nothing can feel up, amidst this the day was quite interesting not until some strange events started to spring up because of what I will rather call "Lack of human sympathy". This actually kept me thinking because of the one reason that men will call you their friend but the moment you leave this world and it actually become their turn to at least pay you the last respect they turn around and value themselves and their pursuits notwithstanding how hard men will try to put them on the right side so as to make them see reasons why they should not go the path that they have chosen to go. 
This got me seriously thinking and in the midst of my thoughts something suddenly sprang up and that's that
Perplexed? Yes you would be but this is really true because most times we just do things that we are not meant to do hence abusing and making ourselves a scorn to people who really shouldn't have seen us in that view.
Hence, our actions most times will abuse and lay strange curses on us if they could talk and do things that we as humans usually do. This is because most times we as humans are rather not comfortable with the actions we take but because we value ourselves more than the way we value others and the extent to which our actions at any time will affect them it becomes totally irrelevant for us to think and understand the extent to which our actions would hurt us and abuse us even if they cannot really talk as we humans do. They can abuse us in the sense that the actions we take most times which might not be in the right direction will certainly leave us with self guilt that might probably last a life time and as such this becomes a curse on us due to the fact that all through life we will live with this self guilt which if not watched will drive us to repeating same actions over and over again with our self guilt increasing and this will definitely lead us to that state were we can't really forgive ourself for the actions of the past which did bring hurt to the hearts of men.
   Having said all this, why take actions when you know it will certainly be detrimental to you all through life? I think the answer lies in the fact that the human mind and self is that which is governed by selfishness and ruled by the value for self rather that the value for others and this leads us to taking actions without thinking about the effect of it to others first and then to ourself too.
 So friends be careful about the actions you take daily so that you don't get to leave with "Had I known" all through your life because of a single action. 

                                Be careful so that you don't get to be a judge against yourself......

Ahiamadu Jackson Samuel

Your Day starts within your mind

 I woke up today with this sense of humor that today was yet another day filled with uncertainties. These uncertainties kept me wondering what today had in stock for me; as such a part of me which I later found out was my mind kept disturbing out of fear that today coupled with the events of past days  might not be too good a day. It was at this juncture that I remembered that whatever I think of my day becomes reality. Hence I suddenly found myself going back to bed in order to empty my silly mind of anything/whatsoever that could cause me not to have a blissful day..ahhhhh...this wasn't any easy task because I had to envision me in yet another world in exactly same day having a nice and blissful day because this was the only way I could empty myself and mind of all the rubbish that has suddenly  been built and accumulated within my small mind. Oh did I mention that I actually couldn't even sleep as I went back to bed. Never mind!
  As time went on, my mind became totally empty with nothing to worry about and my wondering mind also gave birth to a sound mind filled with positivity of a new day coupled with the understanding that has now stocked to my mind that my day actually starts within my mind. Hence, emptying my mind of all fears and worries of not having a blissful day became a must do thing for me because that was the only way I could actually soar myself into a great day that has so much good, better and best in stock for me.
 At this point, I would love to ask you that's reading this article "Do you know that your day really starts with your mind?" How? you may ask. The answer is that your mindset about your day decides the events of that day. If you woke up with the understanding that your today would not really be a good day I assure you that your day will really not be a good day because it is our little confessions that triggers events and happenings around our world. The extent of positivity/negativity in your mind about your day becomes the order of your day notwithstanding how hard your try to have the best day ever, Why? Because your mind is like a little world/bank which controls events around you; but with much carefulness we can keep this act by our minds under control by constantly having a pure heart held up high by positivity.You may ask; How do I develop a positive mindset? The sole answer lies within you and only you can assure yourself of having a positive mindset because only you can attest to the fact that you will stay positive at all time, why do I say this? it is because you can force a horse to the stream but can never make/force it drink water. Right? Yes, of course. I might give you tips on how to have a positive mindset but the sole choice to follow those tips lies in your hands and as such it becomes totally useless that you have the tips and make a choice of not following the tips in order to come to that place where at all times you stay positive.
  More so, if you believe as I do believe that your day is a treasure and that where your treasure is, that's where your heart belongs then I think you will work hard no matter how hard just to have a positive mindset so that you can actually tap into the treasures which your day holds for you. Having known and understood that your day is a treasure and that the best way through which you can actually cherish it is through a positive mindset then I bet/employ you to work hard and probably harder to flush out whatsoever that would want to stand as a hindrance from you tapping into life's treasures which comes in the form of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Furthermore, working towards a positive mindset doesn't take you heaven or hell rather all it takes and requires is just your little time out of the whole 24 hours which you have everyday. How do you achieve this mindset? Each time you wake up in the morning, I advice you walk straight into your mirror if you have one in your room and then speak and talk positive words about your day to your image and try as much as possible to let the words which you have actually spoken to sink into you properly because it will amount to a total waste of time if after you have spoken and talked to yourself there's lack of understanding of those words. Secondly, I suggest with the understanding that you know that life itself is a journey and that in this journey you are a passenger and at same time a driver whose been guided by a SUPREME BEING. Hence you must commit your day from the start to the end to him for direction.
Lastly, Positivity will and can never be bought hence the sole work to achieving a positive mindset lies on you and this suddenly becomes a burden the moment you neglect that it is you alone who can give yourself a positive mindset.
Believe me or not, your day starts within your mind and in order to make the best day out of your day..HAVING A POSITIVE MINDSET(POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE) ABOUT YOUR DAY WILL MAKE YOU SOAR HIGH to having a blissful day.